Cargo transportation company Trans-Tur occupies a leading position in the market of road transport services, thanks to a wide partner network. We cooperate with a number of firms and enterprises and private carriers who have more than 70 vehicles at their disposal, capable of delivering any cargo, from 10 kg to 20 tons and more.
Efficient cargo transportation in Ukraine, countries of the former CIS and Europe with real time and cost savings, provided with the involvement of experienced transportation professionals. Freight transportation company Trans-Tur offers to expand the boundaries of business, we will provide transportation without limiting the size and weight of the transported goods.

Experience in the transport services market allows find a passing transport, and ensure promptdelivery of goods or equipment with a guarantee of safety and compliance with all transportation standards .
Services provided by Trans-Tur Freight Company:
transport logistics. Selection "to cargo", development of effective routes, support at all stages of work with the client;
planning and organization of transportation. Documentation taking into account the requirements of the customer;
partnership on mutually beneficial terms. Working with experienced dispatchers and owners of private vehicles.
Our activity is based on a professional approach and many years of experience in providing services in the market. Cargo transportation company Trans-Tur provides efficient transport activities that contribute to business development, quick resolution of domestic issues that are associated with moving, repair activities or fast transportation of personal belongings.